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Detroit. The D. Motown. Motor City. Hockeytown. Rock City. The 313. MY CITY.

Given my very flexible work situation and as you may have noticed over the last six months, I can work from anywhere in the world, literally. From June 24th – July 23rd I have chosen to stay in Detroit and show all the followers of my blog why my city is so awesomely amazing.

Often times when I mention that I am from Detroit people ask questions about the negative aspects of the city, wondering about abandoned houses, unemployment and the fall of the auto industry. While I will not deny that those things exist, it is not everything and Detroit has a lot to offer and I have seen this city change so much over the past 29 years and it is an awesome place to be, especially now. Furthermore, growing up in one of the city’s many upper middle class neighborhoods, I am shocked when I see documentaries about the decline of Detroit, mostly because I have not seen many of the places that are shown and because my Detroit simply does not look like that and never has.

So for the next 30 days, I will be chronicling things to do, places to eat, hangout spots, bars, neighborhoods, etc. I will be blogging everyday so please be sure to tune in and if you have suggestions for what I should do or you want to join me on my adventures, please let me know.

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