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Eating & Drinking Copenhagen

Eating & Drinking Copenhagen

Copenhagen offers some very tasty options when it comes to eating and drinking, in fact, it is home to the world's best restaurant, Noma. While in Copenhagen, I was on…

On Being Black In America In 2014

on being black in america in 2014

i am consumed, struggling to find my way out. i am consumed, inundated with stories of brutality and injustice flung in my face, many i seek out. i am consumed…

Portraits of Copenhagen

A cold country full of warm people, Denmark was one of the friendliest countries that I have ever been to. I am sure that this is some how tied to…

It Is About Race

One sentiment echoed again and again by some segments of the American population is, "this is not about race." Former NYC Mayor Giuliani recently criticized the current Mayor Bill de…

Ramblings on Ferguson

Today marks the beginning of my fourth month officially living in the United States, following a 6.5 year hiatus during which I called Kusatsu, Japan, London, England, Dassa-Zoume, Benin, and…

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